More and more partial deliveries are being made, i.e. only some of the order is delivered and not the whole shopping cart that was paid for. If this happens to you, here’s what you can do:
Contact the shop
- Contact the shop in writing and make a complaint about the outstanding delivery.
- Set a clear deadline for the delivery.
No delivery received
- Ask for the amount of the pending delivery to be refunded.
- In Switzerland you can start debt collection proceedings, but this involves time and money.
Prevention for future purchases
- Check whether the website address is identical to the name of the shop.
- If the prices are much too good, alarm bells should be ringing.
- Look for the name of the online shop in a search engine – online forums often give warnings about dubious shops.
- Be wary if payment is only possible in advance or via transfer.
- Check whether there’s a full site notice.
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